Step back in time and discover the mysteries of the past at Kit's Coty House, a remarkable Neolithic monument situated in the heart of the Kent Downs National Landscape.

Dating back over 5,000 years, Kit’s Coty House is a Neolithic burial chamber and part of a larger prehistoric complex. The site consists of three distinct megalithic monuments, including the nearby Little Kit’s Coty House, and the impressive burial mound known as the Countless Stones.

Believed to be constructed during the Late Neolithic period, these enigmatic structures have intrigued archaeologists and historians for centuries. While the true purpose of Kit’s Coty House remains a subject of debate among scholars, its significance as a burial chamber is widely accepted. The monument consists of three upright stones, two supporting large capstones, creating a chamber-like structure. The intricate craftsmanship of the megaliths and the alignment with celestial events during solstices and equinoxes have led to speculation about its potential ceremonial and astronomical functions.

The sites are managed by English Heritage, but are free to visit and open all year round, during daylight hours.

The complex lies just off the North Downs Way National Trail between Cuxton and Detling.

Walking routes

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Chatham Rd
Blue Bell Hill
ME20 7EZ

Further information

How to Find the Sites: The two sites are in fields about 500 metres apart and accessed by a mix of footpaths and busy roads. Some of the roads on the way to Little Kit’s Coty House do not have footpaths so great care must be taken.

Parking: There is no car park at either site but it may be possible to park on the wider parts of the stretch of Old Chatham Road that runs parallel with Chatham Road near the site.


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