Trosley Ramble
This peaceful walk around Trosley Country Park takes in countryside around the village of Trottiscliffe. The route includes sections of the Pilgrims Way, a 120 mile long path from Winchester to Canterbury.
The walk passes areas of the park’s unique chalk grassland, a habitat that is home to many rare plants, supporting the dark green fritillary and chalkhill blue butterflies.
The Coldrum stones lie along the route, a 3000 year old burial site that is one of the best preserved of its kind in Kent. Up here you’ll encounter glorious views over the landscape.
Step by step guide
From the car park, head down the sloped path, past the notice board. Turn left and follow the path (North Downs Way) through the trees.
At the way mark post, turn right to follow path B, which leads down some steps.
As you reach the wire fence, bear left and do not cross the stile.
At the bottom of the steps, turn left, keeping the fence on your right.
At the chicane rails, turn right to leave the park. Beware of traffic.
Cross the lane and enter a field through the gate opposite. Keep the hedge line to your right as you pass through a second gate. Go straight ahead until you reach a junction with a house on your right.
Turn left at the junction and head for Trosley Court and the church.
Follow the path through the courtyard and in front of the church and cottages.
Pass through the waymarked gap in the white fence at the front of the cottage and cross the lawn to a metal gate at the end of the building. Go through the gate and, keeping to the right, cross the patio and decking and exit the garden up the flight of steps at the rear.
Cross the road and take the track to the right of the bungalow. This takes you to the Coldrum Stones car park.
Passing through the car park, continue on past houses on your left. As the path drops downhill it makes a T junction. Turn left onto the Wealdway and climb the hill.
As the Wealdway meets the lane, turn left. Beware of traffic. You are now on the Pilgrims' Way. Follow this, passing houses on your left, until you reach a junction in the lane.
Turn right, through the gate, to return to Trosley Country Park. Head towards the gate at the end of the steel fence.
Pass through the gate and climb the hill, keeping the wire fence to your left.
Pass through the gate and keep climbing. Ignore paths off to the left and right.
Straight ahead through the gate and follow the winding path down then up a number of steps.
7 On reaching the junction with the main park path, turn left and return to the visitor centre.