Jeskyns easy access trail route
Jeskyns easy access trail routeDownload
Route type
1.25 mi2.01 km
Kent Downs AONB

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This walk is one of our Easy Access walks, suitable for pushchairs and all wheelchairs.

The all-ability route follows hard fine surfaced paths over gently rolling hills taking in Henhurst Lake. There are plenty of resting points but there no toilets in the park. There is a shorter route, the Court Wood trail, at 0.25 miles if required.

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Step by step guide

From the car park go through the accessible gate on the far side. Then follow the Henhurst Lake Walk clearly marked with the blue waymarkers.

At the junction follow the path to the right to reach Henhurst Lake.

At the lake you may use the boardwalk or continue along the left hand side on the hard surfaced path to the T junction.

At the T junction turn left following the blue waymarkers for some time back to the car park.

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