ParkingToiletsSuitable for small childrenSuitable for dogs
Walks For All at Shorne Woods Country Park
Walks For All at Shorne Woods Country ParkDownload
Route type
0.75 mi1.2 km
Start postcode
DA12 3HX
Kent Downs AONB
Nearest train station

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Our stile free routes are suitable for a wide range of users including those in mobility scooters and families with younger children.

We aim to provide detailed information about our routes to give you a clear idea of what to expect. Please be mindful that our stile free routes are located in the countryside and the path surfaces can be adversely affected by poor weather conditions. Certain routes may be better suited for wheelchairs with wider wheels, as they can handle the terrain more easily compared to other wheelchairs. We encourage you to read about the trails, and to assess them if you feel confident in completing them yourself.

If you would like more information on accessibility, please email

Route information:

A flat walk of 1.2 miles (1.9km). The paths are a mixture of tarmac and a hard coarse surface. There are frequent rest areas along the route. A radar key may be required for wide access through the kissing gates.

This circular easy access walk travels through precious areas of Shorne Woods country park woodland and past important wildlife areas.

The Furzy Leas Meadows at the start of the walk is a fantastic centre to explore, with fishing, informal games and a children’s playground.

Regenerating silver birch trees can be spotted along the walk, which will eventually be overshadowed by the yew, oak and sweet chestnut trees growing beneath them.

Shorne dam pond is another important area for wildlife, but also a haven for swimming dogs.

Electric Scooter Hire

All terrain electric scooters are available for hire, contact Kent Country Parks on 03000 41 47 47 for more information.

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Step by step guide

From the car park, head towards the Discovery Centre then turn right following the orange waymarker.

Take the first turning on the left and continue to follow this winding path into the woodland.

After the first bridge continue round to the left, following the orange waymarker.

After another two bridges the path divides into two. Follow the path to the left over another bridge.

Turn right into the Sensory Garden.

Turn left then continue along this path which brings you back to the Discovery Centre.

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