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Denge and Eggringe Woods are great places for walking and horse-riding, with a good network of footpaths, bridleways and byways. The two adjoining woodlands are south of Canterbury

The Forestry Commission own the majority of the woodland but the Woodland Trust also own a substantial portion with the remainder being privately owned.

Discover ‘The Warren’ which is former chalk grassland with scrubby habitat- the calcareous soils here means that there is a special range of species concentrated in that area, plenty of orchids and one of Denge’s Duke of Burgundy butterfly colonies. This is one of the few sites left in the UK where you can find the rare lady orchid.


Much of the original plateau woodland was converted to sweet chestnut coppice and conifer woodland but large areas of native woodland are present and recently a great deal of management work has taking place to improve the woods for wildlife.

Discover great views from the edge of the wood and in the spring many of the woodland plants associated with ancient woodland can be seen, whilst bewitching twisted hornbeams are there all year round.

There is a small car park on Penny Pot Lane, the road between Eggringe Wood and Denge Wood, and various paths lead into the forest from here.

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