Meet the team

Nick Johannsen – National Landscape Director

Nick works with our partners to develop and promote the vision and strategic direction for the management of the Kent Downs National Landscape. He liaises at a local, regional and national level to secure commitment, policy, resources and action which will conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area. He leads on the Management Plan review, oversees the work of the Kent Downs Unit and its delivery of the policies and actions of the plan. Nick also supports many partnership projects, amongst other work he is chairman of the Board of the ‘Up on the Downs’ Landscape Partnership scheme operating around Dover and Folkestone, chairman of the steering group of the Our Land sustainable rural tourism project, chairman of the Kent Landscape Group, chairman of the Mid Kent Downs Countryside Partnership, chairman of the North Downs Way National Trail Steering Group, chairman of the Darent Valley Landscape Partnership Scheme and he sits on the Kent Countryside Access Forum.


Catherine Bradley – National Landscape Head of Strategic Programmes

Catherine is the Head of Strategic Programmes. This role drives work that enables people from all of society to access, enjoy and protect the Kent Downs National Landscape. The role also leads on developing and delivering projects that implement the strategic aims of the Kent Downs. Catherine has over 20 years experience in nature-based project management and has a particular interest in inclusion, sustainable tourism and net zero targets.


Kathryn Hearnden – National Landscape Head of Marketing and Communications

Kathryn is responsible for developing and delivering the marketing and communications strategy and plans for the Kent Downs to amplify awareness, enhance value, foster understanding, drive engagement, and garner support for the work of the National Landscape + Geopark and the North Downs Way.


Katie Miller – National Landscape Head of Planning and Place

Katie’s role is to seek to ensure new development is sensitive to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty landscape. This includes working with other National Landscapes in interpreting national Planning Policy and best practice, seeking to influence planning policy documents, including local and neighbourhood plans and producing guidance and providing training to help promote positive planning across the Downs. Katie also provides pre-application guidance and comments on the most significant planning applications affecting the Kent Downs, in accordance with the planning protocol.


Lisa Monk-Jones – National Landscape Head of Finance, Compliance and Monitoring

Lisa is responsible for managing the overall unit budgets, including the preparation of financial claims for funders and the preparation/sorting of match funding evidence. She also produces financial reports and financial monitoring reports.


Isabel Shaw – National Landscape Head of Climate, Nature and Geopark delivery

Isabel’s role is to lead on developing, delivering and integrating our existing and new work in nature based solutions to climate change, nature recovery and delivering the aspiration to secure UNESCO Global Geopark status for the Kent Downs and PNR des Caps et Marais d’Opale. Originally from Northern Ireland, Isabel has worked in Countryside Management in Kent for over 15 years, with a particular interest in collaborative partnership working.


Peter Morris – North Downs Way National Trail Manager

Peter is responsible for the maintenance and enhancement of the North Downs Way National Trail which runs from Farnham through the Surrey Hills and Kent Downs National Landscapes to the Dover coastline. He works in partnership with multiple agencies and stakeholders along the trail corridor to ensure the Trail is promoted effectively and local business and communities are engaged for the benefit of all.


Jennifer Smith – National Landscape Manager: Learning and Interpretation Lead

Jennifer is the Interpretation and Community Learning Manager for the Darent Valley Landscape Partnership Scheme. She project manages and coordinates a host of inter-connected projects within the Darent Valley with the overall aim to get people reconnected to their local landscape and encourage them to explore, enjoy and value their natural and cultural surroundings. Jennifer also leads on all of the Scheme’s interpretation projects and works with a host of local organisations, schools, community groups among others, to deliver the various projects.


Anne Sassin – National Landscape Archaeologist

Anne is the Community Archaeologist for the Darent Valley Landscape Partnership and leads on the heritage components of the projects for the Kent Downs AONB. The range of historical and archaeological features in the Darent valley is remarkable, and a number of themed projects have been created to explore and protect its unique cultural heritage, including work at Lullingstone Roman Villa, Lullingstone Castle, Otford Palace, St Johns Jerusalem and Dartford Gunpowder Mills, as well as a valley-wide LiDAR survey.


Greg Taylor – National Landscape Manager: GeoDiversity Delivery

Greg’s role is to develop the Cross-Channel Geopark and ultimately deliver UNESCO Global Geopark status for the Kent Downs, Parc Naturel Regional des Caps et Marais d’Opale, and the Strait of Dover. He works with a diverse range of individuals and organisations to develop specific aspects of the Geopark, such as Geosites, visibility and interpretation. Greg is also responsible for the production of our UNESCO application dossier, and works closely with his French counterpart in all aspects of his role.


Louella Mae Ogle Ward – National Landscape Manager: GeoDivesity Outreach and Engagement

With creativity, collaboration, participation and learning at the core of her work, Louella coordinates our GeoDiversity project, a part of our journey to secure UNESCO Global Geopark status as a Cross-Channel Geopark. She runs events and activities with educational providers and in the community to help more people discover their local incredible geodiversity and explore personal stories and connections with the landscape.


Tim Owen – Senior National Landscape Manager

Tim is part of the Farming in Protected Landscapes team. He also leads on the Undergrounding project, which involves working in partnership to remove overhead electricity cables, and plays a key role in the National Grid Landscape Enhancement Initiative. Tim is also responsible for delivering the village signage program with local authorities, and provides map and GIS Support for the National Landscape team and partners.


Katriona Sharp – National Landscape Officer: Farming in Protected Landscapes

Katriona is part of the Farming in Protected Landscapes Team. This involves working with farmers and land managers to develop projects, offering advice and guidance on conservation, land management and engagement and supports applicants throughout the process.


Holly Kanter – National Landscape Officer: Marketing and Communications

Holly assists the Head of Marketing and Communications with all internal and external communications for the Kent Downs National Landscape + Geopark. This includes our website, social media channels and email marketing. Holly communicates with key audiences to raise our profile, promote projects and engage supporters, visitors, volunteers, and partners and other stakeholders with our work.


Sage Fitzpatrick-Moore – Communications and Community Engagement Manager (Putting Down Routes)

Sage is marketing and engagement lead for the Putting Down Routes* project. She is responsible for promoting the North Downs Way National Trail as an inclusive place for all to visit, through online marketing activity and community events.

*Putting Down Routes is funded through The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Defra’s Farming in Protected Landscapes. Thanks to National Lottery Players for making this project possible.


Sarah Harrington-James, Kent Downs Heritage Ponds Officer

Sarah is working part-time on the first stage of a new Heritage Ponds project to recruit and train volunteers to map the historic ponds within the Kent Downs, specifically dew ponds and ghost ponds (ones that have disappeared from the landscape). She will then co-ordinate a ground-truthing stage working jointly with Kent Countryside Management Partnerships in key target areas with the idea of restoring some of these ponds in the near future. Sarah also works for Medway Valley Countryside Partnership.


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