Set at the heart of a magnificent 1,000-acre deer park, Knole is one of Kent’s hidden gems and is managed by the National Trust.

From an Archbishop’s Palace, a royal house to the Sackville family home. Knole has remained largely unchanged for 300 years. It was the birthplace of Vita Sackville-West and the setting for Virginia Woolf’s novel ‘Orlando’.

The park is the only remaining medieval deer park in Kent and it supports a herd of Sika and Fallow deer which are direct descendants of those which inhabited it in Tudor times.

The park features several areas of rare and fragile anthills on acidic grasslands. These anthills reflect the long history of no ploughing or farming within the park and generations of ants have lived in their ‘ant villages’ for about 700 years!

Wander through the park and discover the icehouse, listen out for the woodpeckers and admire the beauty of this timeless park, which has changed little since the early 17th century.

Walking routes

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Knole House
TN15 0RP
(Sat Nav TN13 1HX)

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