A small village with a church, a handful of cottages and a scattering of farms are all that make up the quiet village of Chevening in Kent.

Within earshot of the M25 but tucked away down a country lane, thousands of cars and lorries rush past it every day. Here, hidden from view is an English country house that has shaped the physical landscape we experience today.

Chevening House, an English country house (also known as a manor house), was originally built for a member of the aristocracy. The grand house, tucked behind the high brick wall, is the reason the  village exists. Chevening is what’s known as an ‘estate village’; it was built by the lord of the manor to house his workers and tenant farmers. It’s home to a lake, maze, kitchen garden, parterre, farmland, and extensive mixed woodland.

Walking routes

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Near Sevenoaks
TN14 6HG

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