Liz Garnett

Location: East Kent.

About: Liz is a travel photographer and writer who sees Kent as a travel destination. Liz is passionate about Kent’s rich history and believes it has a wealth to offer the visitors from its landscape to culture as well as good from excellent local producers.

“The North Downs Way is a walking artery through the county which leads the walker through surprising landscapes, stunning views, history and culture. From the NDW walkers can dip down into villages or towns or take a detour into a lost landscape.Liz Garnett.

Services offered: Introductions to the history, culture and natural history of the North Downs Way.

Suitability: Adults only.


This North Downs Way ambassador has successfully completed the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training module designed by the Putting Down Routes team and Diversiti UK. They are recognised as being an individual committed to making the North Downs Way National Trail and the Kent and Surrey National Landscapes safe, inclusive and accessible destinations where all are welcome.


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