Ian Henderson

Location: Kent & Surrey

About: Ian co-founded ‘Boots On Adventures Ltd’ over a year ago after observing a need for sustainable outdoors tourism in Kent. The company has developed organically from an already-popular local walking group formed in 2019 and its founders are keen to share their passion for the countryside and all of its inhabitants.

“Boots On Adventures main ethos is built on sustainability and, as the name suggests, all our events are around travelling by foot (and soon by cycle) to lessen the environmental impact of tourism and promote the benefits to mental and physical health of the getting out in the countryside.” Ian Henderson.

Services offered: Scenic and informative walks, weekend walking breaks, foraging trips and other such outdoor experiences in and around the North Downs Way. Cycling tours coming soon.

Suitability: Adults and families with children.

Telephone: 07730095759
Email: enquiries@bootsonadventures.co.uk
Website: bootsonadventures.co.uk


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