Victoria Field

Location: Canterbury.

About: Victoria is a writer, poetry therapist, and researcher currently undertaking a doctorate on pilgrimage and transformation at Canterbury Christ Church University


“I consider myself a pilgrim-writer and will include writing and poetry as part of my walks. I assist the Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome and have had some involvement with the Green Pilgrimage Network. I live in Canterbury so have a special interest in walks in East Kent.” Victoria Field.

Services offered: Guided walks in the Canterbury area during which participants will share and respond to poems and other literature, and have the opportunity to process their experience in writing. The process is open and non-judgemental and no previous writing experience is necessary.

Suitability: Adults only.

Telephone: 07887560018

This North Downs Way ambassador has successfully completed the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training module designed by the Putting Down Routes team and Diversiti UK. They are recognised as being an individual committed to making the North Downs Way National Trail and the Kent and Surrey National Landscapes safe, inclusive and accessible destinations where all are welcome.


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