Mid Kent Downs • Boxley to Selling
Key Characteristics
- Series of wide ridges and steep-sided dry valleys.
- Extensive coppice woodlands and some large expanses of conifer woodland.
- Much surviving original ancient woodland.
- Large arable fields on the plateaux.
- Hedgerow trees prominent in parts.
- Orchards and shelterbelts around Chatham, Bicknor and Faversham.
- Tiny, scattered villages linked by narrow lanes.
- Hop gardens and parkland.
Overall Landscape Character Objectives
- To manage and restore hedgerows, trees and woodlands, especially in the valleys.
- To seek to conserve the small scale of the roads and villages and the remote quality of the countryside.
- To maintain the existing diversity of orchards, hop gardens, parkland and farmland, and control urban fringe pressures.