Wellbeing tags

Escape on a sensory journey with Hinoki Forest Bathing at Holmbury Hill, along the North Downs Way in Surrey. Led by a qualified Forest Bathing guide, you are invited to take in the relaxing atmosphere of the trees to de-stress and reconnect with nature. The session begins with a sunrise meditation to help you focus your mind and tune into your senses, and then finishes with a Japanese influenced woodland tea ceremony, helping you to relax, destress and enhance your wellbeing.

  • Less than 3 hours
  • £25
  • Peaslake

Hinoki Forest Bathing

Lisa Duncan, Founder and Director




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Free your mind of daily stresses with a Japanese prescription for wellbeing, known as Forest Bathing. Your qualified guide, Lisa, will guide you to tune into your senses and mindfully engage with nature.

Begin your journey with a sunrise meditation to help set your circadian rhythm. With your breathing relaxed, you will then take a sensory journey through the forest.

Tune into your senses and free yourself of daily stresses with mindfulness invitations in the calming surroundings of trees. The benefits of time spent in the natural world have become more celebrated in recent times, and Forest Bathing has gained popularity, as well as scientific endorsement in the UK.

Having immersed yourself into the relaxing atmosphere of the trees, the session ends with a taste of Japanese-influenced woodland tea in the Millennium Pinetum. Surrounded by over 30 varieties of conifer trees, you will simultaneously nurture your mind, body and soul. The beauty of your surroundings coupled with the guidance of a Forest Bathing expert ensures nature will stimulate your senses for an increased sense of vitality and wellbeing, plus a skill-set to take back into your everyday life.

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