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Are you aged 15-19 years and want to learn more about the natural hazards of the Folkestone Warren? Come and join field geologist Simon Drake to explore the site and learn more.

  • 29 Mar 2025
  • 10am to 5pm
  • Folkestone

Do you want to learn more about the natural environment and natural hazards of the Folkestone Warren ? We are thrilled to be able to invite you to this opportunity to learn and explore with Field Geologist, and Cross-Channel Geopark Ambassador, Simon Drake.

The Warren is one massive landslip!

This event is specifically for young adults and would suit anyone aged 15-19 years studying Geography or a related subject or who is interested in learning more about the geology of the Folkestone Warren. 

Please note there are limited spaces for this event, so to reserve your spot and find out more details of where we will be meeting, please email

This event will involve walking over steep and uneven terrain.



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