Farming & Animals tags

Join Carrie Worgan for a walk among the vines at the Silverhand Estate to see how Romney and Hebridian sheep are being used to graze the vineyard.

  • 30 Oct 2024
  • 10.30am - 12.30pm
  • Meopham

This event is part of the South East Pasture & Profit Programme for farmers and landowners in High Weald, Kent Downs and Surrey Hills.

We will look at the benefits including:

  • Keeping down vegetation around the vines
  • Fertilising the vines
  • Reducing tractor passes to reduce soil compaction

Carrie will share her experience and explore the opportunities and challenges of grazing sheep between the vines during the dormant period.  Tim Steele, who works with the cattle on the farm, will also be at the event so there will also be a chance to learn how cattle and sheep are being used for conservation throughout the estate.

There will be teas and coffees upon arrival. There will be a walk to the vineyards so please make sure that you have appropriate footwear for the weather.

Wine Tasting: All attendees are invited to a wine tasting straight after the event kindly offered by Silverhand Organic Vineyard. You can indicate whether you would like to stay for this on the booking page.

This is a free event supported by the Farming in Protected Landscape programme from DEFRA.


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