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Explore the history, myths, and magic of Julliberrie’s Grave, a 5,000-year-old long barrow in the Stour Valley, through a series of special events in 2025.

  • 9 - 23 Feb 2025
  • 6.30pm
  • Chilham

Julliberrie’s Grave is a 5,000-year-old long barrow overlooking the Stour Valley, a place of history, myth, and mystery. Believed to be one of Britain’s earliest archaeological sites, it has long inspired curiosity, storytelling, and research. In 2025, a series of events will explore its significance, beginning with three February gatherings at The White Horse in Chilham.

Each evening will offer a different perspective on Julliberrie’s Grave—its history, folklore, and creative connections.

  • Sunday 9 February, 6.30pm  – “I have heard many have sought it but none have found it…”
    An introduction to Julliberrie’s Grave: key facts, history, and the mysteries that surround it.
  • Sunday 16 February, 6.30pm – JBG Curiosities, Amazements, and Conjurements
    Stories, folklore, and strange discoveries linked to this remarkable site.
  • Sunday 23 February, 6.30pm – JBG Creative Connections: Music, Art, Film, Poetry, and Literature
    Exploring the ways Julliberrie’s Grave has inspired creativity through the centuries.

These events set the stage for a year of discovery, following the rhythms of the seasons and the traditions that have shaped this landscape for millennia.

Photo credits: William Stukeley Engraving Oct 172

No booking required.

For updates and future event details, sign up at or leave your contact details in the JBG Tin Box at The White Horse, Chilham.

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