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Wildlife & Nature tags

Bore Place is delighted to be taking part in this year's Silver Sunday programme - with a free guided ecology walk Friday 13 October.

  • 13 Oct 2023
  • 11am - 12pm
  • Bore Place

You don’t need to know anything about conservation or farming to come along, you can just enjoy a meander through the estate to find out a bit more about what Bore Place is all about.

It is free to attend! Please book your free tickets to let Bore Place know you’re coming and so they can contact you if the weather means the event can’t go ahead.

Important info

  • The walk route will be gentle, without hills. However, it is not wheelchair accessible.
  • Please wear comfortable and sturdy boots/shoes.
  • There are accessible toilets available.
  • In case of cancellation, we will email you.

This event is part of the Silver Sunday initiative –

Initially launched by the Sir Simon Milton Foundation as a local campaign to tackle loneliness and isolation, Silver Sunday is now a national day where people of all generations can come together by hosting fun and free activities for older people. It is a day where older people can meet new people, visit new places, try new activities and connect with their local communities and the generations around them.

This event is supported by Farming in Protected Landscapes

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