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Craft your own fossil inspired by Kent’s geological heritage!

  • 15 Jun 2024
  • 10.30am - 3.30pm
  • Folkestone

One of Folkestone Museum’s occasional series of craft led children’s drop in workshops exploring geoscience and our regional geological heritage, linking into the Cross-Channel Geopark.

This activity will run in the Education Room on the lower ground floor 10.30am – 12.00pm and 1.30pm-3.00pm. The workshop is suitable for ages 4-11, but if you’re older or younger you’ll still be more than welcome.

No booking is necessary, although if it gets a little busy we may have to limit numbers for everyone’s comfort and safety.

Activities are FREE with but a donation (suggested £1.00-2.00 per child) towards workshop materials is appreciated.

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