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Wildlife & Nature tags

Possibly the best time of day to experience Bore Place - before the hustle and bustle of daily farm life really gets going. Those who embrace the early start will be rewarded with the dawn chorus ringing out from the woods and hedgerows. Your expert guide, Tom Forward, will help you identify and learn the different songs of our resident birds. This walk will tune you in to the sounds of your garden and local area and build your confidence in picking out different songs.

  • 14 Apr 2024
  • 6am - 8am
  • £10
  • Sevenoaks

What to wear/bring

  • Dress for the weather.
  • Sturdy boots essential, such as wellies or walking boots.
  • Bring a flask to enjoy a warm drink at a picturesque viewpoint.
  • Please bring binoculars if you have them.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Sorry no dogs.


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