Spinney Wood Bluebell Walk
Learn about the folklore and natural history of the iconic bluebell at Spinney Wood with White Cliffs Countryside Partnership ranger, Jason.
- 3 May 2024
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Aylesham

White Cliffs Countryside Partnership
White Cliffs Countryside Partnership
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Spinney Wood is an area of ancient woodland south of the village of Aylesham. The woodland has a long history of coppicing with hazel and sweet chestnut cut for use by local people. This management continues today and has resulted in a rich ground flora with many species of wildflower including orchids.
The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership manages Spinney Wood on behalf of Aylesham Parish Council.
Tickets are free but please book a space.
Please wear appropriate footwear as the woods can be muddy. Road-side parking available near meeting point.
Meeting Point: Spinney Lane end of Cooting Road, at wood entrance.
Spinney Woods, Cooting Rd, Aylesham, Canterbury, CT3 3EL
For more details contact Jason:
07541 207 059