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Join Ben Crozier, of Kentish Tales and Tales of Kent, for a free, guided 10km (6.2 mile) circular walk exploring the medieval sites west of Dover.

  • 25 Sep 2022
  • 12:30pm - 4:30pm
  • Dover

On this walk, meander through the Houghams which are west of Dover looking at some intriguing medieval sites. The walk is a circular one starting at the Plough Inn it will take around four hours and be around 10km or 6.2 miles.

The first site will be looking at St Lawrence’s at Church Hougham. This is a church whose history stretches back to the 11th century. We shall look at which St Lawrence we think this church is dedicated to. We shall also explore stories from people who are buried in the graveyard.

Then it is a pleasant jaunt across fields gazing at the gigantic Dover Transmitter station until we reach our second church St Mary’s. Here we will learn tales of derring do from people who are commemorated in the interior of the church.

From there we once again take to the fields until we reach the ruined Abbey of St Radigund’s. Radigund was a Christian German princess who had the misfortune to be married to a heathenish Gallic King. We will also learn more about her and the life of medieval monks and why the abbey is now a ruin.

From there we will make our way via pleasant paths and lanes back to our starting point at the Plough Inn.

This walk will be led by Ben Crozier who as well as being a History Teacher is a youtuber who has a channel called Kentish Tales and Tales of Kent. The channel explores the History and Folklore of this mighty county.

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