Suitable for mountain bikeSuitable for hybrid bikeSuitable for road bikeRegional cycle routeNational cycle route
Route type
50 mi80 km
Percentage on road
Ride easy
8h 20m
Ride steady
6h 15m
Ride strong
3h 20m
Start postcode
CT11 8LN, CT16 1QR
Nearest train station

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Undertake your own Pilgrim’s Progress on this marvellous 50 mile (80km) circular ride using Regional Routes 16 and 17 linking Dover, Canterbury and Folkestone.

The route passes along leafy lanes and bridleways amid rolling hills, wide skies, woodland, country villages and hamlets; the perfect recipe for a cycle holiday or a mixture of great day rides.

It is advisable to start the journey anti-clockwise via Route 16, as the climb out of Dover is short and steep compared to the longer, harder climb out of Folkestone.

Leaving stunning views of Dover Castle behind, the route joins quiet country lanes. It meanders through fine east Kent countryside and old villages to Patrixbourne, where the North Downs Way leads to Canterbury.

The return leg from Canterbury branches off Route 16. Pick up scenic Route 17 through the village of Bridge, to follow quiet valley lanes past Lynsore Bottom to Elham.

At Elham, you can visit Park Gate Down Nature Reserve, a popular grassland site that has two orchid reserves – entrance is free and it is open all year round.

Good en-route signage enables the cyclist to join the journey at any point. One-way day riders can let the train take the strain on the return leg thanks to convenient stations at Folkestone, Dover and Canterbury.

The route is 21 miles from Dover to Canterbury, 17 miles from Canterbury to Folkestone and 12 miles from Folkestone to Dover.


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