Ash to Ash Sculptures
Whilst enjoying the exhilarating views from White Horse Country Park, discover two striking sculptures and experience the whistle of the wind through the arrows.
The ash tree is the most common tree in the Kent Downs. In 2012 when ash dieback, (caused by the fungal pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus), was first discovered in England, the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty was one of the first areas to notice the rapid spread of the disease.
These extraordinary monolithic sculptural works by the internationally renowned artists, Ackroyd and Harvey, are both a celebration of ash trees and memorial to the devastating effects of ash dieback on the most common tree in the Kent Downs. The sculptures were commissioned as part of the The Ash Project; an urgent cultural response to this devastating loss of one of our most important species of tree.
White Horse Wood Country Park
Detling Hill
ME14 3JE