Our partners

We work with a wide range of organisations dedicated to conservation, land management, and community involvement, including:

The Woodland Trust
Kent County Council
West Kent Downs Countryside Trust
Vineyard Farms Ltd
Natural England
Kent Downs National Landscape
Gravesham Borough Council
Shorne Parish Council
Forestry England
Birling Estate

Affiliate Areas of NNR

The following aren't listed as being in the directory: Camer Park, West Park, Jeskyns Community Woodland, Birling Estate, so we'd need these manual cards instead.

Crabbles BottomCrabbles Bottom is a 27 acre area of meadow, ancient orchard, and woodland owned by the Parish Council for the benefit and enjoyment of parishioners.
Shorne Common RoughLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et elit fermentum felis pretium aliquam nec a purus. In elementum sapien ut lorem.
Holborough WoodlandsHolborough Marshes is a nature reserve with a variety of wetland habitats, freshwater marshes, woodland, reedbeds, wet grassland, scrub, and freshwater and saline dykes.
Camer Park easy access trailCamer ParkCamer Park is an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty with mature parkland suitable for a stroll or informal games and a small area of woodland.
West ParkLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc et elit fermentum felis pretium aliquam nec a purus. In elementum sapien ut lorem.
Jeskyns Community WoodlandJeskyns is home to 360 acres of newly planted woodlands, meadows and orchards. With a good network of surfaced walking trails, children's play areas, café…
Birling EstateA beautiful family-owned estate, nestled along the south-facing slopes of the North Kent Downs AONB, comprising 1800 acres of arable, pasture and woodland.

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