Botany-focused walks tagsPhotography tagsWildlife watching tags

Covering a total area of 560 acres on the slopes of the North Downs, providing opportunities for quiet walks amongst attractive countryside.

Facilities include
Best accessed from nearby parking areas, Limited facilities

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  • Chalk grassland reserve home to rare and endangered plants like Hairy Mallow and Meadow Clary.
  • Features beautiful wildflower meadows and stunning views over the Medway Valley.
  • Managed by Plantlife, it’s an excellent site for plant enthusiasts and nature lovers.
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How to visit

Visitors are welcome to visit throughout the year and are asked to protect plants and wildlife by keeping to the footpaths. It is the perfect place to enjoy autumn walks in the misty woodland, or a stroll through carpets of bluebells in the spring.

Easy access information

This park and open space has at least one accessible route but otherwise is considered to be less suitable for visitors with pushchairs and/or wheelchairs.

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